The Gentle Giant Goes Home
If you saw this tall gangly young man with the wide smile and helpful attitude at Abraham Kriel Childcare, you would not recognize him from the aggressive and destructive young boy that arrived here in March 2009. Because of your contributions and your support he had a safe place where he could heal and recover from very unhappy circumstances.
*Ben (not his real name) had a very traumatic past. Financially, his family was struggling and it is alleged that he was exposed to sexual and physical abuse. It was under these circumstances that Ben’s destructive behaviour reared its head. He often broke and stole things from the house. At his parent’s request he and his sister were placed at our specialised care campus in Langlaagte. This refuge exists because of caring people who continue to support the organisation, because they believe children should be loved and supported.
Ben’s behavioural problems continued after he was admitted to the campus. He swore, stole, broke things and acted aggressively towards his new environment. Once again donors came to the rescue and provided funding that allowed him to undergo intensive therapy. He was able to work through the trauma he had been exposed to. Ben was also diagnosed with epilepsy and an intellectual impairment. His emotional maturity compares to that of an eight or nine year old. As a special needs child, he was placed in the Hamlet school. Ben’s personality changed a lot when he began therapy. He became a gentle giant on campus and would help wherever he could. He was always the peace keeper between the other boys in the house. He was adored at his school too. “Ben’s faith was something that touched everyone. He sang in the choir and joined the youth group”, says his social worker, Margot Muller.
When Ben turned 18, the plan was to move him to a centre that cared for adults with disabilities but a conversation between himself and his social worker about his family revealed the young man’s desire to go home. The family member responsible for the abuse had passed and the young man’s reunification was now possible. Ben’s mother burst into tears when she heard that her son will be coming home. “She’s always wanted to have her children back. Ben has met his step-father and they have a beautiful and healthy bond. When we broke the news to him that he will be going home he was ecstatic. He kept telling me that this was something he had prayed and asked Jesus for”, says Margot.
Through the continued support of our funders it is possible to do just that little bit more to ensure a happy ending. Margot has regular contact with Ben and his mother. “He is enjoying being with his family and we also hear that he is involved with a church and does volunteer work with them. Ben receives a monthly social grant which helps him contribute to the family financially”, concludes Margot.
*His sister is still with us and will also be reunified with her mother and brother once she is 18 years old.
Die lang seun gaan huistoe
Sou jy die rankerige jong man op die Langlaagte kampus raakloop, met sy groot glimlag en behulpsame houding, sou jy nie die aggressiewe en destruktiewe jong seun herken wat in Maart 2009 hier aangekom het nie. Met u bydraes en ondersteuning het hy ‘n veilige plek gehad waar hy kon heel word en herstel van baie ongelukkige omstandighede.
Ben* se verlede was baie traumaties. Sy gesin was in finansiële moeilikheid en daar was bewerings van fisiese en seksuele mishandeling. Met die agtergrond het Ben se destruktiewe gedrag na vore gekom. Hy het dikwels dinge in die huis gebreek of gesteel. Op versoek van sy ouers is hy en sy sussie geplaas in die spesialissorg van die Langlaagte kampus. Hierdie heenkome vir ‘n kind soos Ben bestaan omdat daar mense is wat omgee en die organisasie bly ondersteun, omdat hulle glo kinders moet liefgehê, gehoor en gesien word.
Ben was nie dadelik ‘n wonderkind na hy by Langlaagte gearriveer het nie. Hy het geskel, gesteel en goed gebreek. In kort hy was kwaad. Weereens het donateurs tot sy redding gekom en befondsing voorsien vir intensiewe terapie. Hy kon deur sy trauma werk. Hy is verder gediagnoseer met epilepsie en is intellektueel laag funksionerend. Sy emosionele volwassenheid vergelyk met die van ‘n agt- of negejarige. Met sy spesiale behoeftes is hy in Hamletskool geplaas. Ben se ganse persoonlikheid het verander toe hy met terapie begin het. Hy het gegroei tot ‘n saggeaarde reus, wat gehelp het waar hy kon. Hy was die een wat die vrede bewaar onder die seuns in die huis en by die skool was hy net so gewild. “Ben se geloof was opvallend. Hy het in die koor gesing en by die jeuggroep aangesluit,” vertel sy maatskaplike werker, Margot Muller.
Na Ben agtien geword het was die plan om hom te verskuif na ‘n sentrum wat volwassenes met gestremdhede versorg, maar in ‘n gesprek tussen hom en Margot oor sy gesin het sy verlange om huistoe te gaan, uitgekom. Die lid van die gesin wat verantwoordelik was vir die mishandeling is oorlede en dit het die jong man se hereniging met sy familie moontlik gemaak. Ben se ma het in trane uitgebars toe sy hoor dat haar seun huistoe sou kom. “Sy wou altyd haar kinders terug hê. Ben het intussen sy stiefpa ontmoet en ‘n mooi gesonde verhouding met hom gevorm. Toe ons hom vertel hy gaan huistoe, was hy in ekstase. Hy het oor en oor vertel dat dit iets was waarvoor hy gebid het en vir Jesus gevra het”, sê Margot.
Met die voortgaande ondersteuning van ons befondsers is dit moontlik om net daardie een stappie verder te gaan om ‘n gelukkige einde te verseker. Margot het gereelde kontak met Ben en sy ma. “Hy geniet dit om by sy familie te wees en ons hoor ook dat hy betrokke is met vrywillige werk by die kerk. Ben kry ‘n maatskaplike toelaag elke maand, wat hom help om finansieel by te dra tot die gesin,” rapporteer Margot.
*Ben se suster is steeds by ons en sal ook met haar gesin herenig word wanneer sy agtien word.
*Ben is nie die seun se regte naam nie.