Bye bye Bettie
It was the end of the road for Bettie after 17 years. Bettie couldn’t get going without some help, but once she was on the move, she couldn’t stop either unless she was turned sideways in order to glide to a stop. Most days Bettie couldn’t accomplish her important daily tasks and everyone had to wait for help.
Everything that could be replaced in Bettie had already been replaced.Finally came the phone call, there was nothing more to be done for Bettie.
Louw & Heyl and Frese & Moll Partners sponsored a SUPERHERO golf day with one goal in mind: We must buy a new minibus for the children at Maria Kloppers Campus with the funds raised! The golfers went all out. They played hard, they sponsored holes, they donated extra money, they bought raffles, they bid on auction items and they deposited all loose change into brown paper bags. A whopping R239 542 was the profit for the day.
Creators United held a 24 hour “Online Gaming Event” with a SUPERHERO theme as well and the R93 105 they raised also went towards the new bus. These players never closed their eyes as they played through the night and competed internationally.
However, a 16-seater minibus does not come cheap and it took the generosity of one man to clinch the deal. At the golf day, Mark White from Mark White Nissan announced to his team that he would provide a brand new 16-Seater Nissan at R300 000 to make sure that the kids from Maria Kloppers would never have to push-start Bettie again.
Thank you to the main sponsors of the golf day, Louw and Heyl Attorneys and Frese & Moll Partners. They made sure that every Rand raised went to our children.
Thank you Creators United for a brand new, successful fundraising project.
Thank you to all the children and staff at Maria Kloppers Campus that continuously had to support Bettie to take them to school or other destinations.
Thank you to everyone who supported the golf day and gaming event.
Bye bye Bettie
Na 17 jaar was dit die einde van die pad vir Bettie. Bettie kon nie meer sonder hulp aan die gang kom nie, maar wanneer sy eers op dreef was, kon sy nie stop nie – behalwe om haar so skuins-skuins tot stilstand te laat gly. Menige dae kon Bettie nie haar belangrikste dagtake voltooi nie en moes almal om haar geduldig en soms benoud wag vir intervensie. Alles wat in Bettie kan vervang kon word, was vervang. En toe kom die oproep …. daar is niks meer wat vir Bettie gedoen kan word nie.
‘n SUPERHEROES gholfdag word beplan, met een doel voor oë; ‘n nuwe minibus vir die kinders van die Maria Kloppers Kampus sal met die opbrengs gekoop word. Die gholfers het voluit gegaan. Daar is gespeel, putjies geborg, ekstra geld geskenk, geraffle, veiling gehou en hope geld in bruin papiersakkies gegooi . ‘n SUPER R239 543 was die gevolg.
Creators United bied ‘n “Gaming Event” aan, ook met ‘n SUPERHEROES-tema en daardie opbrengs word ook geoormerk vir die nuwe bus. Hierdie spelers maak nie ‘n oog toe terwyl hulle deur die nag ernstig kompeteer nie. Speel-speel werf hulle R 93 105 vir die bus.
BETTIE, het egter ‘n geskiedenis om wonderwerke te laat gebeur. Mark White van Mark White Nissan het by die gholfdag vir sy medespelers genoem dat hy ‘n nuwe minibus beskikbaar het en kan dit teen R300 000 aan Abraham Kriel Bambanani verkoop.
DANKIE aan die hoofborge van die gholfdag: Louw & Heyl Prokureurs en Frese Moll & Partners. Hulle het seker gemaak dat elke rand werklik na die kinders gaan. Dankie Creators United vir ‘n splinternuwe, suksesvolle fondswerwingsprojek. Dankie aan al die kinders en personeel van Maria Kloppers Kampus wat gereeld vir Bettie moes ondersteun om by ‘n skool of ‘n geleentheid te kom. Dankie aan elkeen wat die gholfdag en Gaming Event ondersteun het.